Martin has appeared regularly before Courts and Tribunals in various jurisdictions for more than sixteen years.

Martin first appeared as co-counsel in a three week Environment Court appeal in 1998, prior to being admitted as a legal practitioner in New Zealand. Appearing as an officer of the appellant corporation, Martin managed much of the appellant's expert traffic forecasting, traffic planning and urban architectural evidence and cross examination.

Martin subsequently developed his skills by junioring to some of New Zealand’s leading Queen’s Counsel in major public law litigation. This culminated in an appearance before the Privy Council, following which Martin elected to stay in London. During a successful stint in the UK, Martin appeared regularly in the County Courts and elsewhere, as an officer of the London Borough of Ealing.

Martin returned to New Zealand and commenced practice as a barrister in 2004. His bar practice in New Zealand was focused on commercial and contractual disputes, real property and trusts, indigenous issues and administrative law.  He was also briefed on planning and environment, and regulatory matters. Martin practiced at the bar until leaving New Zealand for Queensland mid-2012, for family reasons. Highlights of his New Zealand practice included:

•    assisting litigants and the Courts on a day to day basis through the provision of advocacy and advice in commercial litigation and mediation;

•    leading the case for Physiotherapy New Zealand in a Ministerial Inquiry into state funding and regulation of physiotherapy services;

•    three week Environment Court appeal challenging ongoing use of a traditional Maori Spring as source for urban water supply;

•    acting for the principal claimants in the Waitangi Tribunal’s Central North Island Inquiry into historical grievance affecting the tribes of the Taupo and Rotorua regions.